academic history
Do Androids dream of electric sheep?
Grade: First-Class Honours (1st)
University of Leeds
2018 - 2021 Leeds, UK
Mechatronics and Robotics, BEng (Hons)
Activities and societies: I was part of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society (ShockSoc), Participated in ShockSoc's Robot Fighting League 2018, was part of the Chess Society, and participated in the Wadokai Karate Society, having black belt rank.
Final Year project: I designed, programmed and simulated a stereophotogrammetry mobile robot capable of creating 3D models of architectural interiors by navigating the interior optimally while taking photographs, as final year project. Achieved First (1st) Grade.
I learned fundamental concepts on electronics, mechanics and computer science: design of electrical circuits and PCB's, microcontroller programming (MBED and PIC), systematic design processes, mechanical optimisation, 3D modelling with Solidworks, CNC machining, machine learning and neural network programming, computer vision systems (OpenCV), simulation with Gazebo and ROS, coding in C, C++, MATLAB, Python.
Colegio Mirabal
2016 - 2018 Madrid, Spain
International Baccaleurate (IB), Diploma Program
Scored 36 points overall:
Extended Essay in Physics: A* || TOK: B || (3/3 points)
Physics Higher Level: 5/7
Mathematics Higher Level: 5/7
English B Higher Level: 6/7
Business Management Standard Level: 6/7
Chemistry Standard Level: 5/7
Spanish A Language and Literature Standard Level: 6/7
Grade: 36/45 points
Colegio Mirabal
2012 - 2016 Madrid, Spain
Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) – Secondary Education
Colegio Mirabal
2006 - 2012 Madrid, Spain
Educación Primaria - Primary Education